2nd International Bio-logging Science Symposium |
2nd International Bio-logging Science Symposium, St Andrews 2005 Copy of Abstract Book (Pdf file) - click here Proceedings - Deep-Sea Research II Special Issue - click here The Sea Mammal Research Unit at the University of St Andrews hosted the second International Bio-logging Science Symposium, 13-16 June 2005. This symposium followed on from the successful first bio-logging science symposium held in Tokyo in 2003 (2003 website). The symposium goal was to highlight the use of bio-logging
devices in the study of the links between animal behaviour, physiology,
and ecology. Catering for both biologists and technologists, the meeting
aimed to stimulate the novel use and future development of bio-logging
systems. The symposium was well-attended by approximately 150 participants
from as far afield as Australia, Japan and South Africa. Plenary addresses
were given on a range of topics by international leaders in this field: Symposium papers have been published in a special edition of Deep-Sea Research II. Click here for Details.