University of St Andrews SMRU Instrumentation
SMRU Instrumentation
Sea Mammal Research Unit

Placing an order...

An order enquiry form should first be completed. This serves to clarify and establish the key project requirements and logistics and allows the hardware and software to be tailored to meet the particular needs of the deployment. This should be e-mailed to

Once we receive your order, we will provide a formal quotation. This will detail the price and confirm the delivery requirements provided in the order enquiry form. This quotation is valid for 60 days from the date of issue.

To proceed with an order, we will require a purchase order which refers to a valid quotation. Normal practice is for the University to invoice for payment of 50% on acceptance of a valid purchase order, and the final 50% upon delivery. Payment is normally required in UK Pounds Sterling within 30 days of receipt of invoice.

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