1) If you have already got a copy of MamVisAD in C:\MamVisAD then rename that folder if there is anything you might want to keep safe. (i.e. custom data sources, viewpoints, etc. specified in the text files in C:\MamVisAD\MamVisAD_App and C:\MamVisAD\SavedProperties and any databases in C:\MamVisAD\SMRUAccessDatabases) 2) Unzip MamVisAD_MamVisAD_Beta_2011_01_30.zip into root of C: (so directory C:\MamVisAD and associated folder hierarchy is created) 3) MamVisAD can then be started by running this batch file: C:\MamVisAD\bin\mamvisad.bat or probably more conveniently by double clicking this shortcut C:\MamVisAD\MamVisAD.lnk (which can easily be copied and pasted to places such as the desktop) 4) If on the internet then running C:\MamVisAD\bin\updateOISTTFiles.bat should start a download of latest OISST SST/SeaIce files 5) If you may need the full resolution GSHHS coastlines and/or subsets of GSHHS for Antarctica download and unzip the MamVisAD_GSHHS_ExtraCoastLines.zip file from the EnviroData folder on the MamVisAD website http://www.smru.st-andrews.ac.uk/MamVisAD/Downloads/EnviroData/ 6) You may also want to download the full GEBCO bathymetry grids from https://www.bodc.ac.uk/data/online_delivery/gebco/ MamVisAD should be able to understand: - the 1 minute world grid - "gridone.grd" - the 30 second world grid - "GEBCO_08.nc" if you place them in this folder: C:\MamVisAD\EnviroData\Bathymetry